Il 18 aprile 2024 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato gli inviti a presentare proposte nell’ambito del programma Life, uno dei principali strumenti finanziari europei dedicato all’ambiente e al clima.
I bandi coprono i settori Ambiente e Azione per il clima e si articolano in quattro sottoprogrammi:
- natura e biodiversità
- economia circolare e qualità della vita
- mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici
- transizione verso l’energia pulita.
I bandi finanziano lo sviluppo di progetti pilota e azioni dimostrative mettendo a disposizione un contributo a fondo perduto per coprire fino al 60% dei costi di progetto.
Ulteriori informazioni sono al momento disponibili sul sito web di CINEA, l'agenzia esecutiva europea che gestisce il programma.
La scadenza del 19 settembre riguarda i seguenti bandi:
- “One-Stop-Shops - Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses” LIFE-2024-CET-OSS
- “Clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions” LIFE-2024-CET-LOCAL
- “Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments” LIFE-2024-CET-PDA
- “BUILD UP Skills – Upskilling and reskilling interventions for building decarbonisation” LIFE-2024-CET-BUILDSKILLS
- “Supporting the roll-out of high-quality heat pump installations” LIFE-2024-CET-HEATPUMPS
- “LIFE Clean Energy Transition – Standard Action Project” LIFE-2024-CET-SAP
- “Towards an effective implementation of key legislation in the field of sustainable energy” LIFE-2024-CET-POLICY
- “Energy Performance of Buildings - Making renovation faster, deeper, smarter, service- and data-driven” LIFE-2024-CET-BETTERRENO
- “Facilitation structures for the renovation of public buildings” LIFE-2024-CET-RENOPUB
- “Supporting the clean energy transition of European businesses” LIFE-2024-CET-BUSINESS
- “Real world energy consumption of energy-related products” LIFE-2024-CET-PRODUCTS
- “Developing support mechanisms for Energy Communities” LIFE-2024-CET-ENERCOM
- “Alleviating household energy poverty in Europe” LIFE-2024-CET-ENERPOV
- “Supporting district heating and cooling” LIFE-2024-CET-DHC
- “Crowding in private finance” LIFE-2024-CET-PRIVAFIN
- “Circular Economy, resources from Waste, Air, Water, Soil, Noise, Chemicals, Bauhaus” LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT
- “Nature and Biodiversity” LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-NATURE
- “Environment governance” LIFE-2024-SAP-ENV-GOV
- “Nature Governance” LIFE-2024-SAP-NAT-GOV
- “Projects on Legislative and Policy Priorities in the fields of Nature & Biodiversity and Circular Economy & Quality of Life” LIFE-2024-PLP-NAT-ENV
Data :
10 Maggio, 2024
Data fine:
19 Settembre, 2024
Progetto di riferimento: