Il presente invito a presentare proposte, pubblicato nell'ambito del programma "Connecting Europe Facility 2021-27" settore trasporti, intende costruire un sistema di trasporto multimodale efficiente e interconnesso sia per i passeggeri che per le merci. Ciò include una rete ferroviaria conveniente e ad alta velocità, abbondanti infrastrutture di ricarica e rifornimento per i veicoli a emissioni zero e una maggiore automazione per una maggiore efficienza e sicurezza.
I presenti bandi intendono sostenere progetti infrastrutturali sulle reti TEN-T core e globali in una serie di settori:
- linee ferroviarie
- vie navigabili interne
- porti marittimi e interni
- sicurezza stradale
- terminal ferroviari
- piattaforme logistiche multimodali
- hub passeggeri multimodali
- applicazioni intelligenti e interoperabili per i trasporti
- mobilità sicura e protetta
- resilienza infrastrutturale
L’invito sostiene diverse tipologie di attività: studi, lavori e altre misure di accompagnamento.
Ai singoli bandi possono partecipare uno o più Stati membri, organizzazioni internazionali o organismi pubblici o privati stabiliti in uno Stato membro dell'UE, con l'accordo dello o degli Stati membri interessati.
Le proposte vengono valutate dalla Commissione europea tramite l’agenzia CINEA.
Qui di seguito l'elenco ei bandi:
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-ROADS-WORKS “Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS “Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-RAIL-WORKS “Rail – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-NEWTECH-STUDIES “New technologies and innovation – studies”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-VTMIS-WORKS “VTMIS – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-MARP-WORKS “Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-MARP-WORKS “Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-RAIL-WORKS ”Rail – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBCOEN-REMIB-WORKS “Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-RESILIENCE-WORKS “Improving transport infrastructure resilience - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSD-OP-WORKS “SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Other SESAR Projects – works”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-RIS-WORKS “RIS – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-MOS-WORKS “Motorways of the Sea – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-RFN-UNITS “Rail Freight Noise - Unit Contribution”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-ROADS-WORKS “Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-RAIL-WORKS “Rail – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-IWWP-WORKS “Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-IWWP-WORKS “Inland waterways and ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COREGEN-ROADS-WORKS “Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-EMSWe-WORKS “EMSWe – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-RAIL-WORKS “Rail – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-ROADSAFETY-WORKS “Road safety - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-REMIB-WORKS “Removing interoperability barriers - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSD-CP-WORKS “SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS Common Project One implementation projects – works”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDU-WORKS “SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS HLA - works”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-eFTI-WORKS “eFTI – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-IWWP-WORKS “Inland ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS “Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-EXTBORDER-WORKS “Adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBGEN-PARKINGS-WORKS “Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBCOEN-ERTMS-UNITS “ERTMS – unit contribution”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-ITS-WORKS “ITS – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-SESAR-DSDA-WORKS “SESAR-DEMONSTRATORS VC - works”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SUSTMOBGEN-MULTHUB-STUDIES “Multimodal passenger hubs – studies”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-DATA-WORKS “data - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SIMOBGEN-ERTMS-UNITS “ERTMS – unit contribution”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPCOEN-IWWP-WORKS “Inland ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-MARP-WORKS ”Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-COMPGEN-ROADS-WORKS “Roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistic platforms - studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-CORECOEN-MARP-WORKS “Maritime ports – studies, works or mixed”
- Invito a presentare proposte CEF-T-2022-SAFEMOBCOEN-PARKINGS-WORKS “Safe and secure parking infrastructure - works”
Data :
18 Ottobre, 2022
Data fine:
18 Gennaio, 2023
Progetto di riferimento: