Horizon 2020. Invito a presentare proposte "Food and Natural Resources"

Scade il 22 gennaio 2020, l'invito a presentare proposte "Food and Natural Resources", pubblicato nell'ambito della sfida sociale "Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy" del programma Horizon 2020.

Le azioni relative alla Sicurezza alimentare, agricoltura sostenibile, ricerca marittima e bioeconomia mirano a promuovere e realizzare sistemi di approvvigionamento delle risorse biologiche e alimentari basati su processi di produzione efficienti e sostenibili, al fine di contribuire a determinare un sistema di bioeconomia a livello europeo.


I principali obiettivi specifici riguardano i seguenti ambiti:

  • Agricoltura e silvicoltura sostenibili
  • Settore agroalimentare sostenibile e competitivo per un'alimentazione sicura e sana
  • Sblocco del potenziale delle risorse acquatiche viventi
  • Bioindustrie sostenibili e competitive

Il presente invito riguarda i seguenti topic: 

  • CE-FNR-07-2020 (IA): FOOD 2030 - Empowering cities as agents of food system transformation
  • CE-FNR-09-2020 (IA): Pilot action for the removal of marine plastics and litter
  • CE-FNR-14-2020 (IA): Innovative textiles – reinventing fashion
  • CE-FNR-15-2020 (CSA): A network of European bioeconomy clusters to advance bio-based solutions in the primary production sector 
  • CE-FNR-17-2020 (IA): Pilot circular bio-based cities – sustainable production of bio-based products from urban biowaste and wastewater 
  • FNR-01-2020 (CSA): Strengthening the European agro-ecological research and innovation ecosystem
  • FNR-02-2020 (CSA): Developing long-term monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the Common Agricultural Policy
  • FNR-03-2020 (CSA): A comprehensive vision for urban agriculture
  • FNR-04-2020 (CSA): Towards a European research and innovation roadmap on soils and land management
  • FNR-08-2020 (CSA): Supporting the food safety systems of the future
  • FNR-10-2020 (CSA): Public engagement for the Bioeconomy
  • FNR-18-2020 (CSA): Sustainability of bio-based products – international governance aspects and market update
  • LC-FNR-06-2020 (CSA,IA): Defossilising agriculture – solutions and pathways for fossil-energy-free farming
  • FNR-05-2020 (RIA): Husbandry for quality and sustainability
  • FNR-11-2020 (RIA): Prospecting aquatic and terrestrial natural biological resources for biologically active compounds
  • FNR-12-2020 (RIA): Industrial microbiomes – learning from nature
  • FNR-16-2020 (RIA): Enzymes for more environment-friendly consumer products
  • LC-FNR-13-2020 (RIA): Bio-based industries leading the way in turning carbon dioxide emissions into chemicals
Data : 
29 Luglio, 2019
Data fine: 
22 Gennaio, 2020
Progetto di riferimento: