Science with and for Society mira a creare e sostenere la cooperazione fra scienza e società, favorendo lo sviluppo dell’eccellenza scientifica attraverso una maggiore consapevolezza e partecipazione ai temi di ricerca e innovazione da parte della società civile, ed un approccio più responsabile e condiviso. A tale proposito, l’accento è posto sul concetto di Ricerca Responsabile ed Innovazione (RRI).
Il presente bando, con scadenza 15 aprile 2020 copre i seguenti temi:
- SwafS-01-2018-2019-2020 (CSA): Open schooling and collaboration on science education
- SwafS-08-2019-2020 (CSA): Research innovation needs & skills training in PhD programmes
- SwafS-09-2018-2019-2020 (CSA): Supporting research organisations to implement gender equality plans
- SwafS-14-2018-2019-2020 (CSA): Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation
- SwafS-19-2018-2019-2020 (RIA): Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
- SwafS-23-2020 (CSA): Grounding RRI in society with a focus on citizen science
- SwafS-24-2020 (RIA): Science education outside the classroom
- SwafS-25-2020 (RIA): Gender-based violence including sexual harassment in research organisations and universities
- SwafS-26-2020 (CSA): Innovators of the future: bridging the gender gap
- SwafS-27-2020 (RIA): Hands-on citizen science and frugal innovation
- SwafS-28-2020 (CSA): The ethics of organoïds
- SwafS-29-2020 (CSA): The ethics of technologies with high socio-economic impact
- SwafS-30-2020 (CSA): Responsible Open Science: an ethics and integrity perspective
- SwafS-31-2020 (RIA): Bottom-up approach to build SwafS knowledge base
Data :
6 Novembre, 2019
Data fine:
15 Aprile, 2020
Progetto di riferimento: