Horizon 2020. Bando "Socioeconomic and cultural transformation in the context of the fourth industrial revolution" Sfida sociale 6 Società inclusive, innovative e riflessive

Nell’ambito del pilastro "sfide per la Società" Sfida sociale 6 "L'Europa in un mondo che cambia - Società inclusive, innovative e riflessive" del programma europeo Horizon 2020, è stato pubblicato l'invito a presentare proposte “Socioeconomic and cultural transformation in the context of the fourth industrial revolution”, con scadenza 12 marzo 2020.

L'invito mira ad affrontare le sfide legate alle origini e agli effetti socioeconomici e culturali della quarta rivoluzione industriale in Europa nel contesto della globalizzazione e digitalizzazione e proporre alternative di policy per mitigare o sostenere queste trasformazioni al fine di promuovere la diversità delle culture e dei legami sociali e i benefici derivanti da tale rivoluzione.

Il presente invito riguarda i seguenti topic: 

  • DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2018-2019-2020 (RIA): Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services
  • DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-12-2018-2020 (RIA): Curation of digital assets and advanced digitisation 
  • DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-20-2020 (CSA): European Competence Centre for the preservation and conservation of Monuments and Site
  • DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-21-2020 (CSA): Mentoring scheme for schools: mainstreaming innovation by spreading the advanced ICT-based teaching practices to a wide circle of schools
  • DT-TRANSFORMATIONS-23-2020 (CSA): To set up a digital accessibility observatory as a forum to take stock of market and technological developments, monitor progress in digital accessibility and provide opportunities for exchange of best practices
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-04-2019-2020 (IA): Innovative approaches to urban and regional development through cultural tourism
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-10-2020 (RIA): Evolving European media landscapes and Europeanisation
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-15-2020 (ERA-NETCofund): Society and innovations: understanding the contexts, processes and consequences
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-18-2020 (RIA): Technological transformations, skills and globalization - future challenges for shared prosperity
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-19-2020 (CSA): Culture beyond borders – Facilitating innovation and research cooperation between European museums and heritage sites
  • TRANSFORMATIONS-22-2020 (CSA e RIA): Enhancing access and uptake of education to reverse inequalities
Data : 
8 Ottobre, 2019
Data fine: 
12 Marzo, 2020
Progetto di riferimento: