Horizon 2020. Bando "Mobilità per la crescita" - I scadenza

Scade il 30 gennaio 2018 l'invito a presentare proposte ""Mobility for growth" pubblicato nell'ambito della priorità "sfide della società" del programma "Horizon 2020".

L'invito copre i seguenti temi:

  • LC-MG-1-1-2018: InCo flagship on reduction of transport impact on air quality
  • LC-MG-1-2-2018: Sustainable multi-modal inter-urban transport, regional mobility and spatial planning
  • LC-MG-1-3-2018: Harnessing and understanding the impacts of changes in urban mobility on policy making by city-led innovation for sustainable urban mobility
  • LC-MG-1-4-2018: Hardening vehicle environmental protection systems against tampering
  • MG-2-1-2018: Human Factors in Transport Safety
  • MG-2-2-2018: Marine Accident Response
  • MG-3-1-2018: Multidisciplinary and collaborative aircraft design tools and processes
  • MG-3-2-2018: The Autonomous Ship
  • MG-3-3-2018: Driver behaviour and acceptance of connected, cooperative and automated transport
Data : 
16 Gennaio, 2018
Data fine: 
30 Gennaio, 2018