Scade il 24 aprile 2018 l'invito a presentare proposte e attività relative, previste nel piano di lavoro 2018 dell’impresa comune Celle a combustibile e idrogeno 2, pubblicato nell'ambito del programma Horizon 2020.
L'invito è stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Gazzetta Ufficiale dell'Unione europea, serie C 14 del 16 gennaio 2018 e riguarda i seguenti temi della priorità "Sfide della società":
- FCH-01-1-2018: Large Scale Demonstration of H2 fueled HD Trucks with High Capacity Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS) -
- FCH-01-2-2018: Demonstration of Fuel Cell applications for mid-size passenger ships or inland freight
- FCH-01-3-2018: Strengthening of the European supply chain for compressed storage systems for transport applications
- FCH-01-4-2018: Fuel cell systems for the propulsion of aerial passenger vehicle
- FCH-01-5-2018: Next generation automotive MEA development
- FCH-01-6-2018: Game changer fuel cell stack for automotive applications
- FCH-01-7-2018: Improvement of innovative compression concepts for large scale transport applications
- FCH-02-1-2018: Demonstration of a large-scale (min. 20MW) electrolyser for converting renewable energy to hydrogen
- FCH-02-2-2018: Demonstration of large-scale steam electrolyser system in industrial market
- FCH-02-3-2018: Robust, efficient long term remote power supply
- FCH-02-4-2018: Thermochemical Hydrogen Production from Concentrated Sunlight
- FCH-02-5-2018: Hydrogen carriers for stationary storage of excess renewable energy
- FCH-02-6-2018: Cost-effective novel architectures of interconnects
- FCH-02-7-2018: Efficient and cost-optimised biogas-based co-generation by high-temperature fuel cells
- FCH-02-8-2018: Waste-stream based power balancing plants with high efficiency, high flexibility and power-to-X capability
- FCH-03-1-2018: Developing Fuel Cell applications for port/harbour ecosystems
- FCH-04-1-2018: PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces
- FCH-04-2-2018: Hydrogen admixtures in the natural gas grid
- FCH-04-3-2018: Accelerated Stress Testing (AST) protocols for Solid Oxide Cells (SOC)
- FCH-04-4-2018: Strengthening public acceptance and awareness of FCH-technologies by educating pupils at schools
Data :
16 Gennaio, 2018
Data fine:
24 Aprile, 2018
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