Nell’ambito del Pilastro “Sfide Sociali – Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente” del programma europeo Horizon 2020, si è aperto, il 12 marzo 2018, il bando dal titolo “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy”, con scadenza 10 settembre 2019.
L'obiettivo della sfida sociale ‘Energia sicura, pulita ed efficiente’ è riuscire a transitare verso un sistema energetico affidabile, sostenibile e competitivo, in tempi di crescente scarsità delle risorse, di incremento del fabbisogno di energia nonché di cambiamenti climatici.
Entro il 2020 l'Unione Europea intende ridurre le emissioni di gas ad effetto serra del 20% rispetto ai livelli del 1990, con un'ulteriore riduzione di emissioni dell'80-95% entro il 2050.
Entro il 2020 le energie rinnovabili dovrebbero inoltre coprire il 20% del consumo finale di energia, congiuntamente all'obiettivo del 20% dell'efficienza energetica (Europa 2020).
Il presente invito riguarda i seguenti topic:
- LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions
- LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy poverty
- LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation
- LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020: Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance
- LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance
- LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource
- LC-SC3-EE-14-2018-2019-2020: Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demand
- LC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020: Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union
- LC-SC3-EE-2-2018-2019: Integrated home renovation services
- LC-SC3-EE-3-2019-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector
- LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment
- LC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification
- LC-SC3-EE-6-2018-2019-2020: Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery
- LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019: Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits
- LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments
- LC-SC3-EE-18-2019: Bioclimatic approaches for improving energy performance in buildings in Africa and Europe
Data :
30 Luglio, 2019
Data fine:
10 Settembre, 2019
Progetto di riferimento: