Horizon 2020. Bandi per l'azione "sfide per la società - Innovative Medicine Initiative - I scadenza

Scade il 28 febbraio 2018 la prima possibilità di presentare proposte di progetto per gli inviti pubblicati nell'ambito del programma Horizon 2020 relativi all'iniziativa tecnologica congiunta sui medicinali innovativi.


Tra i temi di ricerca aperta del presente invito a presentare proposte figurano: le malattie tumorali, cardiovascolari, respiratorie e neurodegenerative, il diabete, le malattie rare, la sicurezza dei farmaci, la piattaforma europea per le cellule staminali pluripotenti, ecc.


  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2 - 2017-13-01: Assessment of the uniqueness of diabetic cardiomyopathy relative to other forms of heart failure using unbiased pheno-mapping approaches 
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-02: Genome-Environment Interactions in Inflammatory Skin Disease
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-03: The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobial resistance by optimising antibiotic use
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-04: Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurodegeneration 
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-05: Support and coordination action for the projects of the Neurodegeneration area of the Innovative Medicines Initiative
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-06: A sustainable European induced pluripotent stem cell platform
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-07: Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints to support regulatory acceptance and clinical practice
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-08: Human Tumour Microenvironment Immunoprofiling 
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-09: ConcePTION – Continuum of Evidence from Pregnancy Exposures, Reproductive Toxicology and Breastfeeding to Improve Outcomes
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-10: Improving the preclinical prediction of adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on the nervous system
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-11: Translational Safety Biomarker Pipeline (TransBioLine): Enabling development and implementation of novel safety biomarkers in clinical trials and diagnosis of disease
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges"  IMI2-2017-13-12: Pilot programme on a Clinical Compound Bank for Repurposing: Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-13: Pilot programme on a Clinical Compound Bank for Repurposing: Respiratory diseases
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-14: Pilot programme on a Clinical Compound Bank for Repurposing: Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Invito a presentare proposte "Societal challenges" IMI2-2017-13-15: Pilot programme on a Clinical Compound Bank for Repurposing: Rare/orphan diseases
Data : 
12 Dicembre, 2018
Data fine: 
28 Febbraio, 2018